#是福是祸# 123Systems又换新东家

123systems根据前两天的消息,白菜王123systems又换东家了。这次收购他的是Velocity Servers Network Exchange(简称:VSNX,网址:vsnx.net),根据收购的情况,基本的信息是:1)老用户的价格不变;2)对于新用户而言,价格将做调整。第一点对于老用户来讲应该算个好消息,因为新东家说是会提升原有的稳定性(信不信由你);第二点嘛,其实就是变相的说会涨价,因为123systems的定价来看再降价肯定是不可能的,而且在当前价位上提高所谓的稳定性也是不可能完成的任务,所以如果有持有这家产品且认为质量还不错的童鞋,至少可以窃喜一下,因为就目前来看,总不会更差吧。


    Velocity Servers Network Exchange (VSNX), a New York based datacenter operator, has acquired the assets of 123Systems effective November 1st, 2014. VSNX has been in business for ten years and brings with it a nationwide footprint of datacenters and expertise, which will be utilized to improve and reconfigure the 123Systems business.

    123Systems will continue to operate independently, but will now be able to benefit from the financial security and resources of a much larger company. Since taking operational responsibility earlier this month we have implemented numerous improvements in infrastructure, support and customer service. We are confident that those enhancements will make a meaningful, positive, impact. We welcome the 123Systems customer base to the VSNX family and look forward to developing long term successful relationships.

    We’ve put together a list of frequently asked questions to help clarify any questions you may have:

    Will 123Systems continue to operate as a separate division of VSNX? Yes

    Will I still be able to order services on the 123Systems website? Yes

    In the past customer support has been slow, will that get better? Yes, in fact you should already be noticing an improvement.

    I’ve had stability problems with my VPS from 123Systems, will that be fixed? Yes, as of this writing we have fixed all outstanding node problems. You should now experience far better stability.

    In the past my VPS was slow. Will it get faster? Your service was likely slow due to “slabbing,” or the technique by which a single physical machine hosted numerous virtualized environments. We have eliminated the use of slabbing and as a result you should already be noticing improving speeds.

    Will prices increase on current customers? We will honor all existing packages at their current prices.

    Will prices increase for new customers? There may be modest adjustments to our website packages as our goal is to provide a high quality service, not the least expensive one.

    Should I cancel my PayPal subscriptions? No, the account which you pay will stay the same.

    Where can I learn more about VSNX? Check our website at http://vsnx.net.

    If you have any further questions please contact us at https://123systems.net/billing/submitticket.php.

    Thank you, Velocity Servers Network Exchange


We are stopping services as on 30/11/2014 ,

Requesting anyone who have purchased a service from us to open a ticket @ our billing to get your refund. The services will be up till 30th of this month.

Personal reasons to stop. But since the begining I haven't had any bad name with my services and so the ending will be the same. All services will be refunded ( the yearly ones too ) the monthly ones however will run till end of the month.

I'm not going anywhere just limiting my self to a few long term clients. @mpkossen hope you let this thread live for a while. I hope im not violating ( I'd like to continue under the name of BharatB ) you can disable this account later on.

EDIT XFSDUKE has acquired the company's domain ( A sincere thanks to him ).

Thank you,
Bharat B.

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