
VMVPS tutorial大家可能注意到,微魔为了增加博客的可读性,有意的增加了不少“评论”性质的文章,其中,【微魔·爱统计】就成为了这一实施举措的重要承载者,他的出现得到了一些网友的好评,同时,其中的一些隐患也是大家有所顾虑的,既然大家公认一些数据具有争议性,不如欢迎各路好友的强烈吐槽(为了维护绿色网络环境,请注意文明发言~),继续本文的正文内容吧,很多朋友都会面临这样的窘境,那就是收到DDOS的攻击,直到目前为止,似乎也没有什么好的“软”方法去追寻,因此一些商家也推出了防DD作为卖点,那么,如果网站受到DD攻击,商家的态度也是很多买家选择的原则之一~最近微魔在国外网站浏览到这样的一则帖子,名为“My DDoS experience with Letbox, Urpad, FrontRangeHosting, BHost, SecureDragon”,内容上主要讲述了自己受到攻击后,商家不同的态度。



  • SecureDragon:好评,提供良好的DDOS保护(需支付额外费用)
  • BHost:差评,网站无法访问,流量继续跑,因此无退款
  • FrontRangeHosting:好评,立刻Null ip,提供了退款
  • URPad:差评,开启关闭不及时,拒绝退款
  • LETBox:差评:TK不回复,不退款


My DDoS experience with Letbox, Urpad, FrontRangeHosting, BHost, SecureDragon

Hey guys,

This review is mainly based on being DDoSed once on each service, and the outcome of it. I will go ahead and explain it for each service, so those of you who want to see what their true policy is when you get attacked once get to see some first-hand experience.

One of the best providers, in my opinion, as long as you use their DDoS protection correctly. One of my co-workers made a slight mistake and used the non-protected IP for about 2 minutes and everything went down, but otherwise, their DDoS protected webhosting is great. Just make sure you get DDoS protection, because if you don't everything is guaranteed to go down almost instantly, including their entire network. Received a full refund after termination.

Our worst experience: Website was knocked offline instantly, yet instead of taking it down, BHost allowed it to remain "up" while it wasn't loading, so all of our bandiwdth was used up, and they refused a refund after about one day of use. Apparently, there are no refunds no matter what, so be careful.

Front Range Host
Went down pretty fast, but they have a very nice and understanding support team. We received a refund diligently. 

Read their huge terms of service, because every little thing you do, they ask you to refer to it. Urpad is absolutely the worst hosting experience we've had. It was knocked offline in under a minute if not less, and it remained down for about a day, came back online for an hour, then went down again, and so on, even after the DDoS attacks had stopped. We literally stopped using it, and it would keep going down. Then their support refused to give us even a partial refund, and cited their terms of service, which says no refunds ever for VPS services. I would definitely recommend not going with them, because even if their uptime guarantee is not true or anything else goes wrong with it, there's no refund.

After the first attack, we were immediately pulled off and received no refund for the three months of service we purchased. No answers on our support tickets, so they basically took our money and ran with it.

Obviously even the bad ones may be great if you never get attacked, but if you're running a website on it, it's almost a guarantee you will be attacked at least once in the server's lifetime, and now you know which hosts you can actually trust.

Hope this helps!

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关于作者: 微魔




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