SecureDragon – 2.24美元 128M 25G 200G 备份VPS


SecureDragon – 2.24美元 128M 25G 200G 备份VPS


  • 128MB内存/256MB突发
  • 百兆口
  • 1/2 CPU(1GHz)
  • 1 IPv4 + 1 IPv6 Address
  • Root access
  • SolusVM Control Panel


BU25: 25GB Disk Space | 200GB Bandwidth = $2.24/Month
BU50: 50GB Disk Space | 400GB Bandwidth = $3.74/Month
BU100: 100GB Disk Space | 800GB Bandwidth = $5.24/Month



  1. SecureDragon整体上来说口碑还算不错,30天退款期
  2. 目前该备份VPS系统仅可选Debian(vsftp已配置好)
  3. 备份VPS不能用于做站!


HOW TO: Setup your Backup VPS for FTP use

After installing our Debian 6 FTP template, all you need to do is add a user to your server to login with. Use the adduser command as root and follow the prompts (example below). Once the user is added, you can login to your FTP server using your IP, port 21, and the user information you just added. You will be dropped into the user’s home directory (/home/username/) and this is where your files can be placed.

# adduser testacct
Adding user `testacct' ...
Adding new group `testacct' (1000) ...
Adding new user `testacct' (1000) with group `testacct' ...
Creating home directory `/home/testacct' ...
Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
Enter new UNIX password: 
Retype new UNIX password: 
passwd: password updated successfully
Changing the user information for testacct
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
Full Name []:
Room Number []:
Work Phone []:
Home Phone []:
Other []:
Is the information correct? [Y/n] Y

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关于作者: 微魔




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