
[微魔·壹周刊]还是老样子,由于微魔下半年要去阿根廷“呆”些日子,而这个国家的签证是公认的跑腿王,于是乎…就不想多说什么了。说道近期的新闻,最大的莫过于BurstNET的倒闭了,这个消息好像前天就放出来了,其实更早就有朋友反应这家的TK回复速度大大不如从前,最近更是索性发了个声明(见本文),声明宣称所有服务会在7月25日停止,目前Colocation(服务器托管)的用户可以继续使用,而Linux VPS的客户可以享受来自Hostwinds免费30天的服务,算是有人接手了吧,另外国内厂商80VPS最近也提供了类似的服务,提供相关证明可以享受30天免费。



It is with great regret that we inform you that all of your services with BurstNET will be terminating on your next billing cycle/renewal/current expiration of purchased services but in all cases no later than July 25th, 2014. If you are a CO-Location client you can disregard this message. Your services will persist.
You will have until July 24th to migrate your services to other providers. On July 25th all services will be terminated.

We apologize for any inconveniences and wish you and your businesses great success.
Kind Regards,

we have just reached a deal with Hostwinds.com another provider of VPS services. They have agreed to migrate all active Burst.net vePortal Linux VPS client’s over to their infrastructure. They will also be offering all client’s a full 30 days of free service on their infrastructure. We want to assure you that all of your data will be transferred 100% intact by the Hostwinds team. Hostwinds has agreed to beat or match all current Burst.net VPS prices.

另外,微魔觉得有意思的是来自GVH(GreenValuehost)的,这家如果服务跟不上去,优惠之类的微魔是绝对不会再发。这家最近宣布原Operations Director的Jonathan Nguyen辞去了自己的职务,由Jaroslav Urban接替,虽然没有明确说原因,但是目测是希望更接近自己所谓的口号…然而不幸的是,这则官方声明很快遭来了广大网友的全面吐槽,次日便又出现了数据被盗的问题,看来真是祸不单行啊。

Green Value Hosting, Inc.
Normal, Illinois, USA 61761

Jonathan Nguyen resigns as GreenValueHost Operations Director

After nearly two years serving as the primary Operations Director of GreenValueHost, it has been decided that the best course of action at this time for Jon to resign his position and step down.

Following a recent executive management meeting, it has been decided that Jaroslav Urban will be named the new Operations Director of GreenValueHost.

Jaroslav is a seasoned hosting industry and information technology pioneer that is dedicated to turning GreenValueHost into a quality, stable, and reputable company worth praise.

“I look forward to actually implementing the slogan, “Customer satisfaction is our ethos”. As a past customer of GreenValueHost, I never felt the ethos of customer satisfaction; that will be the absolute first problem that I will work on changing.

The second problem that I will work on changing is the quality and stability of our services. I’m aware of all the problems surrounding existing services, from slugged performance, uptime inconsistency, and even misprovisioned allocations. I’m here to fix that.

First things first, what needs to be done to improve existing conditions is organization. Servers will be consolidated into upgraded specifications, provisioning will be consistent, and our U.S service infrastructure in all U.S locations will be promptly migrated to the ColoCrossing network. Secondly, it’s our support response and resolution time. I’ve brought in additional staff members and doubled the size of our support team, with competent and motivated technicians to make sure things get done effectively and efficiency”, says Jaroslav Urban. “I’m excited to lead the path of change for the better.”



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关于作者: 微魔



  1. exabytes这家还靠谱,他们家的域名其实是个reseller,转移还是方便的,可以搞搞! 记住一点就是他们家注册域名你的电话别乱写,因为要电话认证的,虽然很简单但是你写一个假的那么你就是自己找事儿! :mrgreen:

    1. 我一般都是填真实信息,那些所谓保护自己隐私就乱填的不怕将来域名被盗都没办法申诉吗?何况生在天朝哪有什么隐私啊。。。各种身份证一百度都出来了。。。


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