
VMVPS tutorial看到这个题目,有些人兴奋,有些人觉得是老梗,但显然这个帖子一经发起引来了大家的热议,随着成为IDC成本的不断降低,越来越多的新人加入到了IDC的行列。不得不说各种便宜的Reseller是这一趋势的罪魁祸首,5G的主机商Reseller,月付甚至能低到10元左右!而转手一卖就变成了各种20-30元年付的200-500M不等的博客空间,但是这种“价格战”无疑变成了许多消费者的灾难,毕竟利润少,客户多,面对微薄的利润和海量的服务单,绝大多数的便宜主机商都撑不过你的购买期限…相比之下,随着独服价格的日益走低,很多人也开始打起了VPS的主意,不过相对还好,起码有一些技术关,VPS领域目前还没有到“沦丧”的地步。本文所涉及的话题可能会因其大家争议:你在鼓励大家都One Man?显然不是!相反,微魔想让大家认清一个事实,在选择VPS服务商的时候还是要尽量谨慎,避开一些资历较浅,技术差的One Man,毕竟经营的成本门槛太低了。

那么到底成为One Man VPS服务商至少需要多少成本呢?国外网友的一笔账:


#1: 购买便宜独服,如DataShack,约100刀;
#2: 注册域名和Paypal。成本10刀以下;
#3: 购买/制作模版,成本15刀以下;
#4. 在网站上发表文章/观点时尽量使用“我们”和CEO等头衔或字样;
#5: 安装SolusVM(VPS控制端),成本约12刀(微魔修正);
#6: 安装WHMCS,成本约10刀(微魔修正);
#7: 注册微博等,并购买一些假粉丝充场面~(微魔依照国情修正~);
#9: 等待售罄~



Step #1: Purchase a dedicated server from one of the many of cheap datacenters. Datashack can get you started with something for under $100/month.
Step #2: Get yourself a domain and a PayPal account. Under $10.
Step #3: Get yourself a template from themeforest.com. Under $15.
Step #4. Make sure you use the words "we" and "CEO" as many times as possible when editing the template.
Step #5: Install SolusVM. $10.
Step #6: Install WHMCS. $12.
Step #7: Create a Twitter and Facebook page. Head over to fiverr.com and pay a few people to add thousands of likes to your page and followers to your Twitter. Potential clients will definitely sign-up for your service when they see how many other people are following you. You're legit now. Under $20.
Step #8: Create some $1/month Open-VZ plans and post on LET/WHT.
Step #9: Sell out of plans.
Step #10: Sit back and relax. Be proud of yourself. You can now tell everyone you know that you're a CEO and your business is in high demand.
Bonus step: Now that you're a successful businessman, hit up some forums and pretend to know what you're talking about. Let everyone know that you built your business with hard work and care about your customers. Unlike the other web hosting companies out there, you're in this for the long haul and have a solid business plan.

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关于作者: 微魔




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