#关门大吉# GreenValueHost被XFuse收购

greenvaluehost根据国外网友的最新爆料,多次引出网友恶评如潮的VPS商家GreenValueHost最近传出消息已经被XFuseSolutions收购,GVH的原拥有者Jonathan Nguyen将离开VPS行业(查看原帖)。目前,交接的细节还没有达成,目前客户订购的产品是否会涨价等问题目前也还没有定论,不过从过往的经验来看,一般为了留住老客户,新商家会比较厚道的接手,希望持有这家的朋友近期可以多多关注。

猜你 喜欢

关于作者: 微魔



  1. XFuseSolutions已经把他转手给Hostress了

    It is our pleasure to announce that Hostress has acquired TacVPS. We are pleased to have you as a client and looking forward to serving you with exceptional service.

    We understand that there have been stability issues and support problems in the past. Hostress offers true 24/7/365 technical support. Pricing is not expected to increase for any service or customers.

    Any recurring payments you have setup with PayPal have been canceled. If you would like to setup recurring payments again please do so on your next invoice. We accept PayPal and all major credit and debit cards.

    Thank You,

    Hostress, LLC

  2. GreenValueHost真够恶心的,一年,只用了两个月而已,offline再起不来,无人应答,新东家发来账单,反应后,也是直接把service给cancle完事


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