
crissic今天微魔收到来自Crissic官方的邮件(见下文),Crissic不仅将取消现有季付、半年付、年付等长周期的产品,而且现有客户的订单在到期后也将被取消!自Crissic被QuadraNet收购(传送)以后有相当长时期处于半死不活的状态,但是产品依旧算是比较稳定,后来明显可以感觉到QuadraNet开始不断展开一系列的小动作。这次的声明影响最为严重的当属绝版的年付15刀产品(100G大硬盘的)以及年付10刀产品,微魔手上也有一个,而且是2个ip,这类产品在黄牛市场曾经相当受欢迎,近期如果从黄牛那里入手相关产品的,可能要呵呵了。总之,虽然这次官方声称是为了提高服务产品质量,当明显可以感受到实际上是在“卸磨杀驴”,甩掉廉价老客户这些包袱,另外官方提醒大家,用Paypal subscription付款的童鞋,务必登入Paypal取消,以免到时自动续费。


** IMPORTANT EMAIL NOTICE ** Please read this email in its entirety and let us know if you have any questions! (Relevant information that pertains to active Crissic services)

Based upon market driving-forces and an abundance of client feedback, Crissic has been refocusing service offerings towards providing an upscale user-experience and managed services. With the completion of our initial planning phase, Crissic is now ready to move forward with this product offering at full force.

What does this mean to you?

Due to service and infrastructure improvements being implemented, the following current service types will no longer be available (or renewed) after their respective service expiration dates:

Quarterly (3 month pre-payments)

Semi-annually (6 month pre-payments)

Annually (1 year pre-payments)

Biannually (2 year prepayments)

Triannually (3 year prepayments)

The following information is important to any clients that have any of the above services:

Current services will continue to remain active until the present period’s service expiration date (** No services will be interrupted prematurely **). Upon the expiration of the existing service term, services will be discontinued and affected VM’s will be taken offline. Please plan accordingly and contact us prior to service expiration if you have any questions.

Clients who are presently on one of the above deprecated service offerings who are interested in retaining services with us are advised to speak with our sales department prior to the expiration of services so that we may discuss your requirements and find the best fit for you based upon our managed monthly services that we will continue to offer.

Clients who pay with PayPal subscriptions: Please be sure to log into your PayPal account and cancel any payment subscriptions you may have set up with Crissic. Any received payments from non-canceled subscriptions will be applied to your account as service credits, which can be utilized for future managed hosting services, or refunded upon request. (Special note, please be aware that renewal of an active PayPal subscription for a discontinued service type will not be considered a renewal of services – any of the above affected services will be discontinued on the existing term’s expiration date and services will be discontinued (affected VM’s will be taken offline).

IP Address Re-Numbering (applies to some customers):

In order to complete our implementation phase, infrastructure will be further integrated into our premium network. While we have delayed and withheld any changes to IPv4 addressing since the Crissic acquisition, it is now necessary that IPv4 resources are restructured.

What does this mean to you?

Starting 8/18/16, some clients may receive a change of IPv4 address. If your IPv4 address requires renumbering, you will receive an email from Crissic’s Support Staff notifying you of your new IPv4 addresses.

We do value any feedback and sincerely appreciate your business; please contact us with any questions you may have.

Thank You,

Crissic Solutions

Fully Managed VPS & Dedicated Server Solutions


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关于作者: 微魔



  1. 感谢第一时间报道!我也有这家的,年底到期,用着还可以啊,感觉不会再爱了


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